Course curriculum

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    Team Work and Collaboration

    • 1. Welcome to Teamwork & Collaboration -Course Intro

    • 1.1 Teamwork Factors Model

    • 1.2 Communication Competence and Skills

    • 1.4 FIRO

    • 2.1 Team Roles

    • 2.2 Norms- I

    • 2.3 Norms- II

    • 2.4 Leadership

    • 2.5 Situational Leadership

    • 3.1 Decision Making Styles

    • 3.2 Consensus Decision Making

    • 3.3 False Consensus

    • 3.4 Go-mode & Paralysis by Analysis

    • 3.5 Group Think

    • 3.6 Conflict

    • 3.7 Conflict Styles & Discussion

    • 3.8 Cohesion

    • 3.9 Cohesion & Productivity

    • 4.0 Course Wrap-up