Course curriculum

  • 2

    Introduction to Strategic Thinking

  • 3

    Leadership and Various Leadership Styles

    • What is Leadership ?

    • Six Leadership Styles from Goleman

    • Level 5 Leadership

    • Kurt-Levin Leadership Styles

    • Servant Leadership

    • Transactional Leadership

    • Contingency Theory of Leadership

    • Trait Theory of Leadership

    • Bureaucratic Management Theory

    • Scientific Management Theory

    • Blake Mounton Management Grid

    • How to Overcome Negative Beliefs

    • Tannenbaum Schmidt Leadership Continuum

    • Locus of Control

    • Johari Window Model

    • The Rhetorical Triangle

  • 4

    Leadership Communication Models

    • The Communication Process

    • How to Run an Effective Meeting ?

    • How to Set the Boundaries ?

    • COIN Feedback model

    • Gibb's Reflective Cycle

    • Monroe's Motivated Sequence

    • Minto Pyramid Sequence

    • Ladder of Inference

  • 5

    Leading Teams and Building Trust

    • How to be Great Facilitator ?

    • Belbin's Team Roles

    • Mintzberg's Managerial Roles

    • Train the Trainer

    • PANAS Scale

    • Path Goal Theory of Leadership

    • Pygmalion Effect

    • Theory of Planned Behaviour

    • Three needs theory

  • 6

    Leader Building Culture

    • Edgar Schein's Culture Model

    • Trompenaars 7 Cultural Dimensions