Course curriculum

  • 1

    Introduction to Impact Measurement and Management

    • Introduction to SDG Impact measurement and management course

    • UNDP message on Impact of SDG

  • 2

    Overview of Impact measurement and Management of SDG's

    • 4 Steps of Impact Measurement and Management

    • 4 Personas Where Do You Fit in the Capital Chain for Sustainable Development

    • The 5 Dimensions of Impact

    • 1.What are the SGD's impact Standards

    • 2.Aligning with Impact Standards. With Which ones

    • 3.Additional Resources-IMM for SDG's

  • 3

    Set SDG Strategy as an Enterprise

    • Introduction to Setting SDG Strategy for Enterprises in 5 Steps

    • Enterprise Step 1 Define Enterprise Purpose and Objectives

    • Enterprise Step 2 Identify Sustainable Development Issue Relevant to Stakeholder

    • Enterprise Step 3 Undertake Principled Prioritization of SDG outcomes

    • Enterprise Step 4 Assign ABC Goal Type for each SDG Outcome

    • Enterprise Step 5 Define Your Impact Thesis

    • 1. Set SDG Strategy Template

    • 2.Resources Set Strategy for Enterprises

  • 4

    Set SDG Strategy as an Investor

    • Investor Step 5 Embed SDG Outcome Goals into Strategy

    • Investor Step 1 Define Fund’s or Portfolio’s Key Financial and Investment Objectives

    • Investor Step 2 Identify Sustainable Development Issues Relevant to Stakeholders

    • Investor Step 4B Set Investor Contribution Level

    • Introduction to Setting SDG Strategy for Investors in 5 Steps

    • Investor Step 4A Assign ABC Goal Type

    • Investor Step 3 Undertake Principled Prioritization of SDG Outcomes

    • Investment Impact Classes

    • 1. Integrating Sustainable Development into Investment Policy

    • 2. Resources Set Strategy for Investor

  • 5

    Integrate SDG's into Enterprise Operations

    • Introduction to Integrating SDG Strategy for Enterprises in 3 Steps

    • Enterprise Step 1 Develop a “data for decision-making” mindset

    • Enterprise Step 2 Decide what to measure from 15 Data Categories

    • Enterprise Step 3 Develop Your IMM Process

    • 1.15 impact data categories checklist

    • 2. Types of Impact and Mitigation Action

    • 3.SDG Outcome Template

    • 4 Using the SDG Outcomes Map

    • 5. Integrate into Enterprise Operations

  • 6

    Integrate SDG's into the Investment Process

    • Investor Step 1 Integrate Impact into the Investment Cycle

    • Investor Step 2 Select Investments through Impact Diligence

    • Investor Step 3 Prepare to Monitor SDG Impact

    • Introduction to Integrating SDG Strategy for Investors in 3 Steps

    • 1. Integrate impact into your Investment cycle Template

    • 3.Type of Impacr Risk and Mitigation Options

    • 2. 15 Impact Data Ctegories Checklist

    • 4. Impact data platform for investors

    • 5..Integrate to Investor Options

  • 7

    Optimize Enterprises SDG impact

    • Introduction to Optimize Enterprise SDG Impact

    • Optimize Enterprise SDG Impact Steps 1-3

    • 1.Optimize Enterprise SDG Impact

  • 8

    Optimize Investor SDG impact

    • Introduction to Optimize Investor SDG Impact

    • Optimize Investor SDG Impact Steps 1-3

    • Optimize Investor SDG impact

  • 9

    Reinforce Enterprise SDG impact

    • Introduction to Reinforce Enterprise SDG Impact

    • Reinforce Enterprise SDG Impact Steps 1-3

    • 5.1 Resources to Reinforce Enterprise Impact

  • 10

    Reinforce Investor SDG Impact

    • Introduction to Reinforce Investor SDG Impact

    • Reinforce Investor SDG Impact Steps 1-3

    • 5.2 Resources to Reinforce Investor Impact