Course curriculum

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    Introduction to Personal Productivity, Time Management and Priortization

  • 3

    The Foundations-Goal Setting

    • 6.Importance of goal setting for time management

    • 7.SMART goals

    • 8.Aligning goals to vision and values

  • 4

    Task & Productive Organization

    • 9.The role of organization in productivity

    • 10.Tools for task organization Lists, planners, digital tools

    • 11.Categorizing tasks Important vs. Urgent

  • 5

    Effective Time Management Strategies

    • 12.Time management matrix

    • 13.The pomodoro technique

    • 14.Time blocking

    • 15.Delegation and outsourcing

  • 6

    Prioritization Techniques

    • 16.The Eisenhower box

    • 17.The ABCDE method

    • 18.The Ivy Lee method

  • 7

    Planning for Success

    • 19.Short-term and long-term planning

    • 20.Weekly and daily planning

    • 21.Review and adjustment of plans

  • 8

    Overcoming Productivity Challenges

    • 22.The impact of distractions on productivity

    • 23.Identifying distractions and interruptions

    • 24.Techniques to overcome procrastination

    • 25.Handling stress and burnout

  • 9

    Managing Distractions and Maintaining Focus

    • 26.Techniques to limit distractions

  • 10

    Achieving work life Balance

    • 28.The importance of work-life balance for productivity

    • 29.Strategies for achieving balance

    • 30.Setting boundaries and disconnecting

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    • 31.Key takeaways