Course curriculum

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    About the Course

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    Module 1- Course Introduction & What is Coaching?

    • 1.Course Overview

    • 2.Module Overview

    • 3.Manager as Coach Defined

    • 4.Manager as Leader Defined

    • 5.Manager as Manager Defined

    • 6.Manager as Mentor Defined

    • 7.Manager as Trainer Defined

    • 8.Roles Compared

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    Module 2 - Why Managers Must Develop Basic Coaching Skills

    • 9. Module 2 Overview

    • 10.Influences on the Manager Role

    • 11.Why Do We Need Managers

    • 12.Coaching and the Manager Role

    • 13.Why Managers Don-t Coach

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    Module 3 - Points of View of Leadership

    • 14.Module 3 Overview

    • 15.Facts vs. Stories

    • 16.Values Influencing You

    • 17.Manager-s Point of View

    • 18.Managing and Your Point of View

    • 19.Point of View and Belief Systems

    • 20.Thought Model Part 1 Circumstances, Thoughts, and Feelings

    • 21.Thought Model Part 2 Actions and Results

    • 22.Differences Between Your Thoughts and the Facts

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    Module 4- Course Peer Review Assignment

    • 23.Peer Review Introduction

    • 24.Tips for Giving Feedback

    • 25.Course Summary