Course curriculum

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    Course Overview & How to Create a Culture of Coaching and Accountability

    • Course Overview

    • Module 1 Overview

    • Employee Performance Continuum

    • Coaching Ascending Employees

    • Coaching Consistent Performers

    • Coaching Poor Performers

    • Establishing a Coaching Culture

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    Designing a 1:1 Coaching Practice for Those You Lead

    • Module 2 Overview

    • Using KPIs to Diagnose Performance

    • Goals and Performance

    • Ensuring Consistency in Coaching Practice

    • Key Elements of a Coaching Agenda

    • Owning the Coaching Process

    • Coaching Tools

    • Leadership Boundaries

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    Applying Coaching Algebra to Typical Performance Scenarios

    • Module 3 Overview

    • Coaching Someone Who is Consistently Late

    • Coaching Someone Who is Easily Distracted

    • Coaching Someone Who Misses Deadlines

    • Coaching Someone Who is No Longer Successful

    • Coaching Someone Who is Frustrated with a Co-Worker

    • Coaching Difficult Employees

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    Coaching the Coach

    • Module 4 Overview

    • Coaching Strategies for Managers

    • Improving Manager Coaching Performance

    • Common Issues when Coaching Managers

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    Specialization Milestone 2: Your Coaching Practice and Agenda

    • Milestone 2 Overview

    • Coaching Through Organizational Change

    • Tips for Giving Feedback

    • Course Summary