Course curriculum

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    Module 1- Missing Deadlines and Dealing with Change

    • Coaching Conversations Overview

    • Missing Deadlines and Dealing with Change Overview

    • Consistently Missing Deadlines Introduction

    • Consistently Missing Deadlines Ineffective Example (Scenario)

    • Consistently Missing Deadlines Example (Scenario)

    • Consistently Missing Deadlines Review & Analysis

    • Dealing with Change Introduction

    • Dealing with Change Ineffective Example (Scenario)

    • Dealing with Change Example (Scenario)

    • Dealing with Change Review & Analysis

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    Module # 2 - Former High Performer & Consistently Late to Work

    • Former High Performer and Consistently Late Employee Overview

    • Former High Performer Introduction

    • Former High Performer Ineffective Example (Scenario)

    • Former High Performer Example (Scenario)

    • Former High Performer Review & Analysis

    • Consistently Late to Work Introduction

    • Consistently Late to Work Ineffective Example (Scenario)

    • Consistently Late to Work Example (Scenario)

    • Consistently Late to Work Review & Analysis

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    Module # 3 -Dealing with Difficult Colleagues & Coaching the Coach

    • Dealing with Difficult Colleagues and Coaching the Coach Overview

    • An Employee Dealing with Difficult Colleagues Introduction

    • An Employee Dealing with Difficult Colleagues Ineffective Example (Scenario)

    • An Employee Dealing with Difficult Colleagues Example (Scenario)

    • An Employee Dealing with Difficult Colleagues Review & Analysis

    • Coaching the Coach Introduction

    • Coaching the Coach Example (Scenario)

    • Coaching the Coach Review & Analysis

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    Module # 4 - Key Take Aways for Effective Coaching

    • Key Takeaways for Effective Coaching

    • Identifying Thoughts

    • Acknowledging Strengths

    • Confirming Willingness to be Coached

    • Making Mistakes is Okay

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    Module # 5- Milestone 3: Demonstrate Your Ability to Coach Effectively

    • Milestone 3 Overview

    • Circumstances, Thoughts, and Feelings (from "Managing as a Coach" course)

    • Actions and Results (from "Managing as a Coach" course)

    • Coaching Tools (from "Coaching Practices" course)

    • Tips for Giving Feedback

    • Course Summary