Course curriculum

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    Understanding ICF Core competencies

    • CoreCompetencies

    • Revised Competency of Nov 2019 - ICF New Coaching Competencies

    • ICF new competencies summary

    • Revised Competency Nov 19- Summary of New ICF Competencies

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    ICF Core Competency #1: Ethics and Professional Standards

    • Competency #1: Ethics and Professional Standards

    • Revised Competency on Nov 2019 - Demonstrate Ethical Practice

    • Revised Competency on Nov 2019 - Embodies the coaching mindset

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    ICF Core Competency #2: Establishing the Coaching Agreement

    • ICF Core Competency #2 Establishing the Coaching Agreement

    • Revised Competency on Nov 2019 - Establishes and Maintains Agreement

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    ICF Core Competency #3: Establishing Trust and Intimacy with the Client

    • ICF Core Competency #3 Establishing Trust and Intimacy with the Client

    • Revised Competency on Nov 2019 - Cultivates Trust and Safety

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    ICF Core Competency #4: Coaching Presence

    • ICF Core Competency #4 Coaching Presence

    • Revised Competency on Nov 2019 - Maintains Presence

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    ICF Core Competency #5: Active Listening

    • ICF Core Competency #5 Active Listening

    • Revised Competency on Nov 2019 - Listening Actively

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    ICF Core Competencies: #6 Powerful Questioning

    • ICF Core Competencies #6 Powerful Questioning

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    ICF Core Competency #7: Direct Communication

    • ICF Core Competency #7 Direct Communication

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    ICF Core Competency #8: Creating Awareness

    • ICF Core Competency #8 Creating Awareness

    • Revised Competency on Nov 2019 - Evoking Awareness

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    ICF Core Competency #9: Designing Actions

    • ICF Core Competency #9 Designing Actions

    • Revised Competency on Nov 2019 - Facilitates Clients Growth

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    ICF Core Competency #10: Planning and Goal Setting

    • ICF Core Competency #10 Planning and Goal Setting

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    ICF Core Competencies #11: Managing Progress and Accountability

    • ICF Core Competencies #11 Managing Progress and Accountability