Course curriculum

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    About the Course - Certified GRI Standards Sustainability Professional (CGSSP)

    • About the Course - Certified GRI Standards and Sustainability Professional (CGSSP)

    • 1. GRI Standards Intro Session

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    GRI Standards Introduction

    • 2. GRI Standards- Intro

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    Understanding GRI Sustainability Standards

    • 3.Understanding GRI Standards and benefits

    • 4.GRI New Features

    • 5. What is Universal Standards

    • 6.Using and Referencing of Standards

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    Understanding GRI Sector Standards

    • 7.Introduction to GRI Sector Standards

    • 8.GRI Sector Program

    • 9. Sustainability reporting standard for the oil and gas sector

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    GRI Useful Sample Case Studies

    • 10. GRI Tax Standard

    • 11. Introducing GRI 303_ Water and Effluents 2018

    • 12.Introducing GRI 403 - Occupational Health and Safety 2018