Course curriculum

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    About the Course

    • About the Course -Certified Enterprise Strategy Formulation Expert (CESFE)

    • Learning Objectives and Target Audience

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    Introduction & Crux of Strategy formulation

    • Introducing strategy formulation

    • Defining Business Strategy

    • Competitive Advantage

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    Industry analysis

    • Vestas and the wind turbine industry

    • Business environment

    • Competition from substitutes

    • Threat of entry

    • Rivalry between established competitors

    • Bargaining power of buyers

    • Bargaining power of suppliers

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    Resources and capabilities

    • ECCO and the production of shoes

    • The relationship between resources and competitive advantage

    • Firm resources

    • Organizational capabilities

    • Sustaining competitive advantage through resources and capabilities

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    Global strategies and the multinational corporation

    • Carlsberg in China

    • Defining the multinational enterprise

    • Motives of Internalization

    • Motives of Internalization

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    Strategic decision making

    • LEGO’s outsourcing journey

    • Homo economicus and bounded rationality

    • Cognitive limitations

    • Strategy as forecasting

    • Hidden costs