Course curriculum

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    A 21st Century Approach to Business Strategy

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    What is strategy? And why do we care about it?

    • 3.What Strategy Is...

    • 4.What Strategy Is...continued

    • 5.What Strategy Is...more examples

    • 6.What Strategy Is...Still More

    • 7.What Strategy Is...Conclusions

    • 8.What-s a Strategic Situation (and what isn-t)

    • 9.Strategy-s Most Famous Thought Leader Michael Porter

    • 11.The Main Ideas in Porter-s What is Strategy

    • 12.The Alternative View Strategy as Capability

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    The Evolution of Strategy...Past Progress, Past Mistakes

    • 13.Early Approaches to Business Strategy

    • 14.Strategy, Scripted and Programmed

    • 15.The BCG Matrix and Growth Curve

    • 16.Strategy as Multi-faceted Analysis

    • 17.What We Can Learn...

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    Changing World, Changing Strategies

    • 18. Comparing 1975 and Today

    • 19.How Products, Services, and Work Now Move Easily Around the Globe

    • 20.How the Competitive Game Shifts in a Globalized World

    • 21.The World-s Most Sophisticated Differentiation Strategies

    • 22.Aesthetics...the Last Frontier of Sustainable Advantage